drowning over here...

i feel terrible i have not been doing a very good job with this blog lately.  the holidays were a whirlwind!  my boo came into town and i wanted to devote all my time to him and my family.  i had a great holiday though!  but then it was RIGHT back to work, school, job stuff, more certification exams, etc.  the world just will never slow down for me!  but i have been collecting some stuff!  so here it goes.
crystal gel balls, orbeez, whatever you wanna call them; i want them.  that's my big plan for tomorrow.  seriously go to the asian market get my ass some bamboo and some gel balls.  riveting i know.

new years for the grown and sexy.

vintage stevie and christine.  i would die for stevie's hair.  she was such a babe.  i think i might go on a fleetwood mac kick.

snooki has her own lil jewelry line going with her crystal party ball necklaces.  unfortunately i dont feel like spending the kind of cash she is asking.  gimme a clearance item please.

pauline sent me a mix and this was my favorite song on it:
it speaks to me.  it's going to be my music inspiration for baby heroes.  (yeah that's gonna be my new band).


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