luscious baby locks cuteness

this is the story of taylor pugh:

watch this and tell me you don't wanna go all AWWWW and gets the sads at the same time.  poor little taylor has ISS because his hair is too long for some stupid texas dress code.  he is seriously the cutest kid with the cutest little voice ever, i feel bad.

i guess taylor was out of school until like last week because his hair was a distraction.  that's like a month or so!  finally, his parents reached a compromise.  THIS:

he has to wear a french braid!!! wtf!  poor baby.  i remember my mom would try to french braid my hair during those awkward years (5th, 6th, grade) and she seriously sucked.  i looked a hot poofy mess.  like a freaky vampire child. embarassing.  i hope taylor doesn't have to look back at this time of his life and feel embarassed. he's like the cutest thing either way!


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